It must be very comforting to have the answers to questions of such pressing concern.
But I am still troubled by how many angels can dance on or with a pinhead. This keeps me up at night.
clarified understandings / new light of the past 7 years or so:.
* the faithful and discreet slave is only the governing body and only since 1919.. * the faithful slave was appointed in 1919 by jesus but it will not receive its greater authority until the judgment of the sheep and goats.. * charles taze russell was not part of the faithful and discreet slave.. * there was no slave for 1900 years before 1919.. * there may not have been any anointed during those 1900 years, but it's possible there were a few.. * 1935 was not the cut-off date for the selection of the anointed-- this selection is still ongoing.
* 1935 has no special biblical significance.. * 1918 has no special biblical significance.. * gog of magog is not satan, but is a coalition of nations, who may be ruled by the mysterious king of the north.. * there is no evil slave class.
It must be very comforting to have the answers to questions of such pressing concern.
But I am still troubled by how many angels can dance on or with a pinhead. This keeps me up at night.
last evening, i saw the 1981 movie called ticket to heaven with my longtime and longstanding elder dad and my mom last night.
(they are now in their late 70s.
) afterward, i showed them the softcover book by steven hassan called releasing the bonds, which they found rather interesting.
I hope you enjoyed Ticket to Heaven,” I've been recommending it for years.
When I first saw it, my reaction -- I was still "dubbish" -- was, "Wait, that's like us."
Of course the JWs and the cult depicted in "Ticket" are not identical in all aspects, but that is what makes the movie so valuable. It creates "micro-dissonance," and cognitive cracks NEVER get smaller.
On thing you have to allow for, SAHS, is the great amount of investment you folks have with the WTB&TS. Its as though they've spent their lives waiting for the Nigerian Prince to finally come through on his promises... they are likely to prefer continuing to wait rather than admit that they were hoodwinked.
my wife is pleasant and easy to get along with.
she is also helpful to many.
lately, however, there is a jw sister who some are curious about has befreinded my wife.
Thanks for the friendly google tips! I was surprised to learn that "Lesbian bed death" was a term coined by University of Washington sociologist Pepper Schwartz in her 1983 book American Couples. I'm pretty sure that Pepper Schwartz had a radio talk show here in Seattle... or maybe I was hearing her psychic transmissions. (My psychic transmission is four-on-the-floor with a Hearst shifter, btw.)
Jennifer James* was another radio talk show host in Seattle around that same time. Pepper and Jennifer discussed the value of Altoids mints as an interpersonal relationship enhancer and something called the "snakey lick trick". ... but I digress...
I am always pleased to learn something new, even if it is a joke:
Question: What does a lesbian bring on a second date?
Answer: A U-Haul with everything she owns in it.
Rebel8, glad to see you're in a light-hearted mood. You ate TOO funny when you get going! Mouthy might send you to your room for excess levity.
my wife is pleasant and easy to get along with.
she is also helpful to many.
lately, however, there is a jw sister who some are curious about has befreinded my wife.
There are what I would describe as psycho homewrecker lesbians who seem to enjoy the game of destroying heterosexual relationships. This happened to a friend of mine. The lesbian met my friend's wife at her workplace, developed a relationship with her, sexually seduced her, then convinced the wife to leave her husband and daughter.
Once the relationship between my friend and his wife was destroyed and they divorced, the lesbian lost interest in the former wife and began seeking new quarry, at which point the former wife realized that she had been manipulated by the lesbian. Her original marriage shipwrecked, she eventually entered into a new heterosexual relationship and eventually married a new guy. Her former husband had found a new girlfriend, whom he married. He is now on good terms with his ex-wife, solely as a friend now.
why am i here on this site?
why have i lost my faith in this version of christianity?
it's simple.
Thanks for your typical brilliance, OUTLAW!
I didn't know you had a camera that could capture the spiritual realm!
Good stuff!
quote from the watchtower, march 15, 2015, page 23:.
in the illustration of the faithful and discreet slave, jesus spoke of an evil slave who beat his fellow slaves.
jesus was not there foretelling that an evil slave class would arise.
It's still not too late to order your "I'M WITH THE EVIL SLAVE" t-shirts!
Operators are standing by!
well i finally got the, "we would like to stop by with the circus oversneer and have an encouraging visit.
would ---------day be good, at say -----------?".
it'll probably be a pretty dull visit with the entire conversation being only one way.
A number of years ago there was a brilliant guy here who had fun with his overseeing visit.
When asked if he felt the WTB&TS was God's spirit-directed organization, he answered "Yes," then added that he was not sure there was a God.
The "shepherds" accepted his answer!
I hope you have fun!
you know about my not-so-ugly divorce and how me and my wife found out the religion is false.
she still attends while my 17 year old has been raging on me about all the wasted time he suffered from by being in this religion.
he think's his life is ruined, very angry we did not learn this was a cult earlier(he was 14 when he stopped attending after reading the revelation book, he said "in all time and history, how could a trumpet blown in revelation have anything to do with a jw bible student convention statement"?.
Your 17-year old son needs to shift his perspective. Yes, MAYBE he could have been a HS jock.
Was he really that good? Really? Probably he's a legend in his own mind.
All across the world there are bars in which you can find 50 year old HS jocks who have done NOTHING of note since graduation. They live lives of quiet desperation, WITHOUT EVER having been a JW!
There are many many ways to ruin your life, and MOST of them do not involve having parents who themselves were the VICTIMS of a CULT!
You son has an opportunity to turn himself into something far better than a HS jock - he can begin the process of becoming a MAN who appreciates what a gift his father has given him by RELEASING HIM from the CULT he was born into..
why am i here on this site?
why have i lost my faith in this version of christianity?
it's simple.
WELCOME. Your story is not unique, but it is still valid and it will always be YOUR story. I would not wish my story on anyone, but I have read experiences here that make me feel like my life was a cakewalk in comparison to others. You may have a similar experience; but the important thing is that you CAN live "Happier Ever After."
Abandon the JW way of thinking in absolutes. Don't think that you MUST be miserable because your wife and extended family are still trapped in JW mind -control; make it YOUR job to show them how happy an unencumbered life can be. While you may have lost some time treading water waiting for the world to end, NOW you can look for ways to enjoy your life - achieve artistic or academic self-fulfillment.
Jehovah is a sock puppet lying eternally asleep in a drawer in Fred Franz' old desk. You can do NOTHING to make the sock puppet happy. Abandon the sock-puppet and live for YOU.
...and if that means you eventually leave your DubWife and your DubFamily behind, Que sera, sera! Sometimes you have to leave MISERY with no company.
Best wishes to you!
the july 15, 2015 study watchtower article entitled "your deliverance is getting near", along with the jw broadcasting video entitled "gerrit losch: fortified by "the prophetic word," and chapter 21 of the god's kingdom rules!
book presented a large amount of new light or clarified understanding of the events of the great tribulation.. here i am presenting it in chronological order -- this is the governing body's updated chronological order of events for the time right before the great tribulation through armageddon:.
the final sealing of the anointed occurs just prior to the outbreak of the tribulation.
When did the UN once again become "The Disgusting Thing"?
Or was it still the disgusting thing when the WTB&TS hooked up with it? Was the WTB&TS just a bit horny and looking for some strange?